Monday, May 18, 2009


Sometimes I get so caught up in seeking God that I forget to SHARE Him. I am so interested in learning more about God... studying the Bible... talking to other Christians... I was not always this excited about God... somehow it became about the motions... going to church, carrying my Bible to church, acting... then God changed me. I can't say it was a specific sermon or book or prayer or moment... just remembering I asked God to be wise (kind of like Solomon in the Bible) and to know Him. I made a list some time ago of friends and family that I wanted to see come to know God. I realized the people on that list had not changed... and it has probably been about a year... and I realized I had not really been doing my part about simply talking to them about God. Why is that so hard? I think it is hard, because it is so personal... because God is so convicting that people can be really resistant to hearing about God. Plus, there are many who call themselves "Christians" who simply are not children of God.

What made me excited about God again? Reading the Bible. Is is easy to read the Bible? No. You have to commit to do it. You have to choose to read the Bible over something else (doing dishes, watching t.v., being on the computer...) But I am doing it. I am reading through the Bible... and I am now in Isaiah - I wrote down the date of starting in Genesis last July... and I think that is when I really started to change. Actually, I think God started to change me.

Sometimes I get so caught up in talking about God that I forget to TALK to God.

Sometimes I pray so much about what I want that I can't HEAR what God is trying to tell me.

Today, I stepped out in a leap of faith... I did my part. I sacrificed. I cried. I prayed and pleaded with God. I obeyed. Did I want to? No - not really... I looked for excuses and reasons to do it differently.

Today, I asked friends who I knew were prayer WARRIORS to pray for my leap of faith. I did my part. I feel at peace now. Until I acted, I felt uncomfortable and uneasy. Now, I have let it go. God will work now. God will water the seed.

Only God can draw someone to him... Draw near to me and I will draw near to you.

Each individual person can choose to follow the narrow path and choose God... or they can go with the crowd down the path to destruction.

I'll have to tell you about my leap of faith later... but if you are a Prayer WARRIOR... I did go to the post office today.

So, I am off to pray over my list of friends and family who do not know Jesus... I talked to Rachel and Luke a bit about that tonight... how sad to not know "Amazing Grace" or "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus" or "Jesus Loves Me"... in those early morning hours of rocking babies, nothing soothed my soul or theirs as much as singing "Amazing Grace" - So, I am off to Pray... and get a little closer to finishing the book of Isaiah... oh, that is - after I finish cleaning the bathroom...

p.s. If you read this, I would love to see you comment. Just click on the comment button, and leave a message. You can comment "Anonymously", but please sign your name. Thanks. Someone must be reading this... right? Is anyone out there?
p.s.s. If you are a serious Prayer Warrior - let me know - I would be happy to share prayer requests with you... I will pray for you... you can pray for me... we're a happy family!!! (oops! That sounds like a Barney song!)


  1. Andrea, I do like your blog today! And yes, it does help to know on facebook when you post a new blog! You are such an eloquent writer, I really enjoy reading about how you are growing and am proud of you for doing what the Spirit prompted you to do! Keep on keeping righteous! Love you and am thankful for you, because I too know that you pray for me.....Annie Jordan ooo

  2. yes we're out
    Do I smell a book in the future?
    Anyway, thanks for the thought provoking (is that how you spell it?) post!

  3. Popping in to say hi!! And have missed seeing you at school. I think we all have moments that we are to busy with life to actually hear what God wants us to do.

  4. so glad you went through with it! God has a plan, hang on, He decided to include you in it! What a blessing! Thanks for the encouragement. Please add my new Jewish friend Rachel to your list of people to pray for! She agreed to come to church with me, so I think she is searching!

  5. Andrea, I read this when you originally posted it but didn't get a chance to comment. That whole "three kids now" thing again :)

    I've been really "feeling" it lately but its now an uphill battle. Up in the night with the baby, too tired to get up in the morning, even naptime is hard to find quiet time, one is always up. I haven't been to church since two weeks before having Chase so that was now 10 weeks ago and I'm dying to go. I "tried" to go a week ago. Josh was golfing and I thought, "I can do it. I can take them by myself, after all I do go to MOPS w/o my husband". Well, I thought service was at a different time so I was 20 minutes LATE and backed up and flattened my tire, spent the rest of the time trying to get it changed. So I made it to the church once at least but never in the doors. I was rather annoyed with God at that point. This past Sunday, I planned on my husband going with me and at 9am, he promptly announced he wasn't feeling well. So pray for me, that next Sunday works out!

    Any other suggestions on how to find the time. I'd appreciate and I'll be praying for you and your family. I love your blog, by the way. Great job, keep it up! I'd love to hear about your new endeavor and pray for that as well.
