Well, I just went to the homeschooling convention in Orlando for two nights with Sweat Pea. We had a lot of fun. It was so strange to go out of town without the Prince and the boys. We missed them, but it was a true vacation... However, the convention was challenging. By the end of the convention, I did not want to go to another convention again. I am sure by next year I will be ready to go... but it was overwhelming... it really inspires you to be in control of teaching your children and how and what. There are so many great choices out there. I am usually so "black and white" so I want to choose the BEST curriculum. Truly you can ask 10 people what is the best Math curriculum and you would get probably 5 different answers. There are some curriculums that are more commonly used, and the one a person is using seems to be the BEST in their eyes. So, it is a wide road, and hard to choose which path we will be on. I have chosen next year's curriculum... I have heard it seems I might be doing "private school" at home... and I am sure I will be. I want all my children to have the best education, and I do think that she can have that.. but being home will have so many more benefits for our family. We will be blessed to get to teach her ourselves. We won't miss those moments. I am so excited to start. We actually will be starting slowly this summer.
Math - Purposeful Design (published by American Christian Schools) and Abeka timed drills
Spelling - Purposeful Design
Reading - Bob Jones & Abeka readers
History - Abeka Our Histoy 2nd grade and Veritas Press timeline cards with Classical Conversations
Bible - Bob Jones
English - English for the Thoughful Child and Bob Jones
Art - How Great Thou Art book and Classical Conversations studying specific artists
Science - Classical Conversations and some different experiments including Abeka and ABC
Health - Abeka
Spanish - Vocabulary building - journaling
* Classical Converstaions on Fridays and Memory work daily
We kicked off summer with a day at the beach on Sweet Pea's Last Day of School Party with her class. I don't know if you can see how much sand is in Squash's hair... lots and lots... and this is Pumpkin with a face full of sand (it was the best picture I got of him)... they were way too busy to pose for pictures.

We are thanking God for a bountiful harvest in our garden. These zuccini's were huge... we kept finding them hidden... it was not our intention to let them grow so big. Yes, they are better small in my opinion. Notice all the corn and squash in the little red wagon. I got some great pictures of all the kids pulling the husks off the corn.