Monday, December 20, 2010

Chronological in One Year...

I finished early! I completed reading the Bible in 1 year TODAY. I had read bits, pieces and most of the Bible before... but never chronologically. Chronologically puts the Bible stories in order based on the timeline of history not in the standard Old Testament then New Testament books of the Bible.

Am I excited? Yes, I completed my goal. Am I proud? No, not exactly. I became a Christian in 1982, and I am just now reading the Bible in order in entirety. I have read Genesis multiple times before stopping, and not completing the goal.

Why read the whole book? Context. Imagine picking up a novel and starting in Chapter 10 then skipping to two pages in Chapter 2, and rushing back to the last chapter... yeah, I know. When you start in Genesis (which is also first chronologically), you begin with creation through to Revelation (the end of God's plan). In the old testament, you understand what sin is, why we need a Savior, why the sacrifices were made in the temple and how Jesus becomes our sacrifice to cleanse us from our sin. You realize the depth of the need for a Savior. You appreciate GRACE and what that means so much more.

Does reading the whole Bible make you a "better" Christian? Depends... I don't feel "better" - I feel the weight of sin in my life more. I feel the need for a Savior more. I feel the need to practice my faith in the world more. I feel the need to excitedly tell others of this GRACE I have found. Am I better? I am more aware of how sick and dirty and sinful my life is really without Jesus. I realize what a blessing and undeserved gift it really was to receive Jesus as my Savior. If I were to make a list of all my sinfulness, and things to do that would please God in my life... the list would be endless. Thankfully, I have a Savior to help me. I have the Holy Spirit to convict me of sin, and I have the Holy Spirit to guide me to make the choices that God wants me to make. It made me "better" aware of all the areas the potter needs to shape me... "better" aware of God's love... "better" aware of who Jesus was and is...

Am I more knowledgeable? No, reading the Bible made me aware of how much more I can learn about the Bible, the customs of the times, history, and Jesus. I could read it a hundred times and learn something new every time... It has increased my desire to learn more. To deepen my studies, and to understand what I have read better.

Do I recommend it? Yes.

Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee.” Psalm 119:11

For God so loved the world... thank you God for the Bible to show us YOUR WAY!